Good Day
16:56 AM
Good Day
16:56 AM
Simple tweaks for big results.

Beauty Pie

In collaboration with Beauty Pie, we conducted a deep dive into user research and came up with actionable recommendations to increase the website conversions. Afterwards, designing the recommendations to put into action.
Beauty Pie
UX/UI Design
Research & Strategy
T/T7 and our amazing interviewees!
Beauty Pie approached us as a part of their global website revamp. To get insights on our outlined hypotheses, we created a dynamic process of user interviews and further research. Then all approved recommendations were prototyped, designed and implemented for testing.
Prototyped designs were designed on the fly, allowing us to test and get feedback from users in interviews from one day to the next.
Some insights were entirely predicted in the hypothesis list... others were a bit more surprising and gave us some extra work in prototype design.
Write Up

It was very surprising. Really glad brands are taking the initiative to connect closer to us — the client. Seeing the changes come to life was a bit surreal.

Tanishka Kohli
Creative Consultant